Josh Yee


Josh is the man behind the scenes dealing with social media as well as providing insight to KnotCreators designs. Coming from a long yoyo history of 20 years in the game, he knows what makes a good yoyo and his input goes into every yoyo that we put in the hands of players. You can expect to see him both on stage competing at contests as well as offstage shooting video for his video productions!

  • Throwing for: 24 years
  • Fave play style: 5A and 2A
  • Fave food: Sushi served with Thai Iced tea
  • 2017 National 5A Yoyo Champion
  • Sometimes a Cheetah



Mei S.

Designer and Co-manager

Mei is the design genius behind every yoyo produced! Coming from an intensive AutoCad design background and working in the solar industry as a design technician, Mei brings her know-how into yoyo design and does a very good job of doing so! Be sure to look out for her Japanese calligraphy skills on some of our special edition boxes as well!

  • Throwing for: 4 years
  • Fave play style: 2A
  • Fave food: Sushi!
  • 2A yoyo and Poi goddess
  • Sometimes a Wolf



McKenna Zentner

Team Player

McKenna is someone we have had our eye on for quite some time and we can definitely say that there are not many people who have as much passion and dedication for yoyoing as her! Her style is dense and technical which will truly blow the minds of anyone who watches her. Be sure to check out her Instagram to see for yourself!

  • Throwing for: 9 and a half years.
  • Fave Play Style: TECH and more tech!
  • Favorite Food: Anything pasta
  • Trick density for days and days and days…



Matthew “Googahgee” Drehobl

Team Player

Matt (Who many of us call “Goog”) has one of the most interesting trick sets we have seen, and has been a friend of the company long before we were fully established. A Music producer as well, Goog is one of the most talented and unique individuals you’ll ever meet!

  • Throwing For: 5.5 years
  • Fave Play Style: Slacky 1A
  • Fave Food: Boba
  • Dyes yoyo’s their his spare time



Abby Brodsky

Team Player.

Abby has been a friend of the company and team for years and we are so happy to have the opportunity to support her in her yoyo adventures! Abby brings a very unique trick set to the team with lots of out of the box ideas and technical play!

  • Throwing For: 10 years
  • Fave Play Style: 1A and 4A when it’s with friends
  • Fave Food: Spicy!
  • Really likes rocks.



Kaylee Roberts

Team Player.

Kaylee has been an up and coming yoyo player who we’ve had the pleasure of being friends with during her come up! Her passion and enjoyment for yoyoing is truly contagious and her uniqueness and energy truly make her stand out from the crowd!

  • Throwing For: About 3 years (9 Months in 2011, back at it since Dec, 2020.
  • Fave Play Style: Slacky-Flowy 1A
  • Fave Food: Thai. Kill me with spice!
  • “The Matrix gave me a legitimate phobia of bellybuttons”



Jonas “Phlox”

Team Player

Phlox has been an example of a truly unique yoyoer with a very stylistic and flow based approach to tricks that we love to see! Phlox’s trickset is refreshing to see during this day and age and we are super happy to have him on board.

  • Throwing For: 7 years since starting (break from 2019-2021)
  • Fave Play Style: 1A
  • Fave Food: Mashed Potatoes
  • “I rip the cheese off pizza slices before eating them”
